Healthcare Robotics at MedtecLIVE and MedTech Summit 2019 in Nuremberg

The institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) shows innovations from its research area healthcare robotics at this year’s MedtecLIVE. It is the second largest European trade fair for medical technology and will be taking place in Nuremberg from 21 May to 23 May 2019. Scientists of the MIRO Innovation Lab and the system VITA (Virtual Therapy Arm) present their current research activities in the field of medical robotics and rehabilitation.
At the international congress MedTech Summit – running in parallel to MedtecLIVE – Julian Klodmann, scientific head of the MIRO Innovation Lab, gives a lecture about “Robotics in interventional and diagnostic medicine”. In addition to numerous international contributions, the new network DIH-HERO (Digital Innovation Hub Healthcare Robotics), which is funded by the European Union, will be introduced. The institute of Robotics and Mechatronics with its MIRO Innovation Lab and the projects SMiLE (service robotics for people with constrained living situations) and VITA is among the 17 consortium partners.
You can find us at hall 10 booth 317. We are looking forward to your visit!