MIRO Innovation Lab at XPOMET

360º Next Generation Healthcare Festival – this is the motto, under which the technology and medicine festival XPOMET© from 10 to 12 October 2019 in Berlin is going to be held. The event is a new global healthcare platform and networks all actors from Science to industry, all the way to politics in an interdisciplinary manner. The challenges of the healthcare sector will be discussed and chances that technological developments like digitization, robotics or artificial intelligence offer, will be presented. The Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) drives cooperative innovations with its MIRO Innovation Lab, a competence centre for medical robotics, and presents the Institute and its research work at the XPOMET® Medicinale in Berlin.
International scientific congress combined with innovation fair
More than 100 international experts from research, development and industry contribute with their keynotes to the progress and forward-looking thinking in medicine. The scientific congress brings out many main points.
On the first day, which focuses on innovation and research, Professor Dr. Pascale Ehrenfreund, chief executive of the DLR, will give a talk.The graduate Doctor of Astrophysics explains how space exploration leads to most advanced medical technologies and findings. Further topics include (amongst others) artificial intelligence and ethics in medicine, eHealth and eMedicine, Smart Hospital and many more. In various showcases such as “Future Hospital” or “Patient’s World” visitors have the opportunity to experience new technologies up close.
More information about the event and the registration can be found at: