DIH-Hero: Brokerage Event in the Netherlands

5 December 2020 –
Digital Innovation Hubs Healthcare Robotics, abbreviated DIH-HERO, is a network – sponsored and initiated by the European Community – that helps companies from the healthcare ecosystem to use the opportunities arising from digitisation, strengthen exchange and know-how and increase cross-national collaboration.
17 leading establishments coming from research and politics form a pan-European consortium, which is working on the joint project DIH-HERO to promote healthcare robotics in Europe since January 2019. Also partner and a part of the consortium is the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) with its MIRO Innovation Lab. The Dutch University Twente is the coordinator. The mission is clear: promote SMEs and support Europe-wide cooperations. This happens not only by providing help and advice but also lots of money. Since the first of January 2019 DIH-HERO is financed by the European Community with overall 16 Million € in a time period of four years. In total 8 Million € from that will be distributed to European small- and middle class companies in 5 calls for funding.
All partners as well as the companies that strive to become partners get the opportunity to regularly participate at those events, thereby finding new partners and getting information about funding possibilities. The first meeting of this type took place on the 30th and 31th of October at the University of Twente.
For more information about the Brokerage Event and DIH-HERO click here: