Clusterworkshop “Mechatronik – Quo vadis?”

13 October 2021 – The interdisciplinary field of mechatronics is one of the foundations of Industry 4.0 applications, because without the interaction of the disciplines of mechanics, electronics, software and control technology, the intelligent networking of machines and processes would be inconceivable. This intelligent networking makes the use of cobots possible, which allow direct human-robot cooperation. Not only industry benefits from the use of cobots, but also other specialist areas such as medicine. Therefore the Mechatronics & Automation cluster of Bayern Innovativ is dedicating half a day to mechatronics on October 27, 2021. In addition to the professional profile of mechatronics engineer, the development and future prospects are discussed.
Christopher Schlenk, mechatronics expert at the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, gives an overview of research topics and cooperation opportunities for cobots in industry and medicine.
Bayern Innovativ – a company for innovation and knowledge transfer – was established in 1995 and is an important part of Bavaria’s innovation policy. In particular, it supports small and medium-sized companies with regard to innovation management and tailor-made innovation services.
The detailed program and the possibility to register can be found here.